Family, The Kids, Travel, Video

Our Christmas Highway Trip

We put a lot of miles on over the last week visiting folks for the holidays! But despite all the ‘highway time’, it was a great and a beautiful reminder of how lucky we are to have such a wonderful community of friends and family in our lives! 🎄❤️

Before we could leave, we had to make sure Santa knew how to find us in Maryland. So the boys and Andy drew a map of course!

First stop, the Fear family farm! We had a great time visiting with everyone and getting to see their beautiful property! Plus the boys were in heaven getting to ride on the tractor, ATVs and being able to see the animals! The excitement in their eyes was awesome!

Thank you Jimmy, Grace, Kaitlyn & Abby for having us! Next time we need a group photo!

Next stop, Grandma and Grandpa’s in Middletown! Grandma and Grandpa arranged for everyone to go swimming on the first day. The kids had a BLAST and the parents were happy to see them use up all that energy. On the way home from the pool we stopped off at Carole Creek in Frederick to see the boat lights on the canal. My boys love to look at ‘pretty lights’ during the Christmas season so this was a hit!

And then it was Christmas Eve! We took the kids to the park in the morning to run off some of their excitement. But before we could leave, Charlotte helped Andrew finish is school work. 🙂

We also may or may not have stopped for lunch (and Margaritas) on the way back to Grandma’s!

Christmas Eve festivities; including a visit from Santa!

Off to bed kiddos, Santa comes tonight!