Kid Quotes, The Kids

Humor in the Obvious

Andrew’s quirky personality and blossoming language keeps us smiling daily. He has two frequently used sayings that are so simple, so obvious and so true, that it’s comical. Use your imagination and picture a pint size little boy with big blue eyes and dimple in the following:

(1) The scene: Nap time and Andrew refuses to sleep. He walks to his bedroom door (there is a gate up so he can’t wander) and yells at the top of his lungs with extreme assertion, ‘I’m awake! I’m awake! I’M AWAKE!’

Sitting downstairs I breath a sigh and think to myself, ‘Yeah, no sh*t.’ Nap time over. End scene.

(2) The scene: Driving in the car and Andrew in his car seat. He’s declared that he wants to go home and is done in the car. As he tries to wiggle out of his seat he yells, ‘I’m stuck! I’m stuck! I’m STUUUUCK!’

We chuckle to ourselves and say, ‘Yup, that’s the whole point buddy.’ End scene.

While the humor may be lost in translation here, we find it pretty hilarious and love our little comedian!