Kid Quotes, The Kids

Compliments from My Son

On Wednesday Andrew and I were watching the news together in the morning as I sipped my morning coffee. Melania Trump appeared on the screen and he looked at me and said excitedly, ‘Mommy! She looks like you!.’ Politics aside, Melania can certainly put herself together. On any day she’s a far cry from the old PJ pants, stretched out maternity tee-shirt and frizzy hair I was sporting at that moment. I stood a little taller that day thinking maybe my son really thinks his mama is pretty. I mean Melania and I did look the same according to him….

The next day Andrew and I were reading books together after dinner. We flipped the page and I heard it again ‘Mommy! She looks like you!’. Wait…. WTF?! According to Andrew I’m a cross between Melania Trump and a cubby, green faced witch with warts.