Family, The Kids

How Andrew Spent his 5th Birthday…

It started with a sleepover with his cousins Then presents and a trip to the library with grandma. Followed by Chuck E. Cheese and pancakes for dinner- his choice! Happy birthday little man! I hope you know how loved you are!

Family, The Kids

Andrew’s 5th Birthday Party

Welcome to the lab for Andrew’s 5th birthday party! We invited 20 (!) of Andrew’s closest friends and cousins for some science experiments, special treats and a lot of fun (and chaos)! The ‘Lab’ before the mad scientists arrived: Experimenting! And the treats! Happy 5th birthday party Andrew!

Family, The Kids

Halloween was just SUPER!

So many superheroes! So many friends! So much fun! And they used their super powers to brave the haunted house! Teddy too! Happy Halloween 2019 from my super family!

Family, The Kids

Halloween Parade

The annual school Halloween parade! Here comes Andrew, aka Spiderman! And Teddy, our little Batman! Teddy saw me, waved and yelled ‘so you going to the gym, Mommy?!’ I guess I’m a creature of habit… Class pictures! After the parade Andrew’s class went trick-or-treating in town. It was so cute and I love that the local businesses gave the kids…

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Family, The Kids


Getting the jack-o-lantern carving in just in time! The boys were all into it until I said they needed to help pull the insides out. Apparently they had no interest in touching the ‘goop.’ So I carved the pumpkin and they decorated theirs with these (genius!) accessories. Think Mr. Potato Head for pumpkins! They ate donuts while I finished the…

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Family, The Kids

A Boys Weekend

My solo weekend with the boys. After a bought of pink eye on Friday courtesy of Teddy, we rallied and had a great weekend complete with movie night, soccer, a spooky hayride, dinner at the pizza shop, swim, a trip to Costco (love those free samples) and a playdate with friends! By all accounts, we had a great weekend! It’s…

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Family, The Kids

Fall Favorites

Apple and pumpkin picking with friends- one of my favorite days each fall! Happy fall y’all! Bring on the apple cider and pumpkin spice!

Family, The Kids

Pizza pizza!

We’ve gotten into making our own pizza recently. It’s easy, the boys can join in the fun, and there is 99.9% chance they will eat it without complaint. Win, win, win! Plus it’s a good excuse for Andy to put those ‘I used to work in a pizza restaurant when I was a teenager’ skills to use!

Family, The Kids, Travel

By George, we had a great time!

After a few special days on the farm, we continued north to Lake George, NY for more family R&R! We stayed at a tiny, laid back, 1940’s resort on Plum Point, a few miles outside of the Lake George Village. A few years ago the hotel owners converted the actual boathouse into a small apartment for guests, aka our home…

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