
Mommies away, Daddies Play!!!

Last weekend the Phillips family got to travel down to “happy valley” to see cousin’s new and old, Grandma & Grandpa, and finally Aunt Cathy & Uncle Gabe. It was a ton of fun getting to hang with the ever growing PB&J crew. On Saturday Gabe, Grandpa, and I got the become the “decision makers” when the ladies went to…

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The House

March winter wonderland

I was nearly worried I had gone through all the effort of putting the plow on the tractor without it getting to see some serious snow. Boy was I wrong. This year March came in like a Lion and has thus far stayed a Lion. On Tuesday we got around 14 inches of the white stuff plus some sleet to…

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The House

All muscles

Ever since I was 16 and Chris House let me drive his eye melting yellow wrangler I was hooked. As many of you know when I was in college I bought my first wrangler (Isabel)  and cherished her dearly. Then when I moved into the big bad apple I had to sell my first love, cried a little, and held…

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The Yard

Going Green??

Today Kristi and I decided to step up our “gardening game” for our vegetables this year. Given our horrific failure on lettuce from last year we cut that from the line up and went heavy on the zucchini (to make Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread of course). All in all our total line up was: 6 zucchini 2 cucumber 4 italian…

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The House, The Yard

Spring into action

The life of a home owner is never 100% restful. Now that is it above freezing temps its time to make the house look good. Lets see how far 6 yards of mulch takes us. I’m guessing we will need to order more.

The Kids, Video

The Third Parent

Kristi’s and my arms have gotten stronger over the past 2 months, but nothing compares to how important the swing has been in giving both parents a quick breather.   [sublimevideo src1=”″ uid=”d2dab01a” id=”d2dab01a” width=”500″ height=”375″]


Beach R&R

It is so wonderful to be able to come down to LBI for the weekend and unplug. You can almost forget about the grass cutting, trash collecting, and everything happening in the office…… Almost.

The Yard

Back yard wilderness

I’m constantly surprised by how different suburban living is compared to life in the city. Just another example is waking up to the scene below instead of garbage men or the crazy lady going through the recycling you’ve put out.