The House

Come and Sit!

My latest DIY, trash-to-treasure project. In an act of cleaning out my Aunt Donna generously donated her old dining room table and chairs. At first I thought I’d use them in the kitchen but then I decided to create a bench to use when you come in from the garage. We needed a place to put our shoes on and…

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The Yard

Going Green??

Today Kristi and I decided to step up our “gardening game” for our vegetables this year. Given our horrific failure on lettuce from last year we cut that from the line up and went heavy on the zucchini (to make Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread of course). All in all our total line up was: 6 zucchini 2 cucumber 4 italian…

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The House


The neighboring town near our house hosts a biannual rummage sale. People travel from far and wide for this event which has dozens of tents filled with everything from baby clothes to homegoods to antiques to jewelry. I love it and it really gets my bargain loving, DIY juices flowing. I got a few good deals on things but this…

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The House, The Yard

Spring into action

The life of a home owner is never 100% restful. Now that is it above freezing temps its time to make the house look good. Lets see how far 6 yards of mulch takes us. I’m guessing we will need to order more.

The House

Adding some sass to the brass

When Andy goes out of town for work there a few things you can count on; 1) I visit Home Goods and/or Target at least twice and 2) I paint (or decide to paint) something. This time I decided to spice up the guest bed with a hand-me-down bed frame from my parents. Before:    After:    May need to…

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The House

Over it

Bring on the spring, flowers and warmer weather….I’ll even take the weeds! Poor Andy has to take on our (what I’m come to appreciate is massive) driveway. At least he has his John Deere to keep him company.  PS- you’ll notice this pic was taken from inside our warm, dry house. Someone has to stay with the baby after all.…

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The House

One man’s trash….

Moving from this: To: Needless to say a 4,000+ square foot house left us with a lot of house and few things to fill it with when we first arrived. Over the last few months I’ve been transforming hand-me-down pieces from our family into our very own. It may not be HGTV or Pinterest worthy but I’m quite proud of…

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The House, The Kids

The Nursery is Coming Along!

Whoever doubts that ‘nesting’ is not real has clearly never spent time with a pregnant lady. Lots of paint, more paint, hanging and assembling and Andrew’s room is starting to take shape. PS- Andy did the hard work. I managed.