Family, The Kids, Travel

Last Legs of our Christmas Road Trip!

After Christmas in Middletown we headed to DC for lunch with Preethi and Shiwali! It was quick (and sadly no pictures) but always great to reconnect with old friends…especially with the whole family in tow! From DC we headed to Fallston, MD for the night to check out the Barba’s beautiful new house. The Sullivans even joined us for a…

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Family, The Kids, Travel, Video

Christmas 2019!

So much excitement, so much happiness, so much chaos! After a few sugar highs, more gifts and some naps, we headed down to Carol Creek with the whole crew to view the boat lights. Our motley Christmas crew in their pjs and hat!

Family, The Kids, Travel, Video

Our Christmas Highway Trip

We put a lot of miles on over the last week visiting folks for the holidays! But despite all the ‘highway time’, it was a great and a beautiful reminder of how lucky we are to have such a wonderful community of friends and family in our lives! 🎄❤️ Before we could leave, we had to make sure Santa knew…

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The Kids

Holiday Pageant!

Looking dapper! Time for he big show! Holiday Sing 2019! So proud of how well they did and love our new little school for helping to create special experiences and wonderful memories!

The Kids

Pete & Earl

Teddy’s class has a class ‘pet’, Earl the Squirrel, that the students take turn taking home for a week. Andrew’s class has the same tradition with their pet, Pete the Cat. The kids are supposed to take Pete and Earl wherever they go, take pictures, read books and create a journal entry to share back with their class the next…

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The Kids

The Polar Express

Teddy and Andrew attend the most wonderful preschool! Last week they transformed the school into the Polar Express. Each classroom became a station and each child recieved their ticket to ride the famed train. They wore their pajamas, read the story, saw snip its of the movie and ate cookies and hot chocolate. It was so cute and the boys…

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