The Kids, Video

Watering the Plants

What watering the plants now looks like on a warm afternoon….[youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube]

The Kids, Video

Boxes Rule!

Andrew has been OBSESSED with the box from Andy’s tractor. No need for expensive toys when your child’s favorite things are boxes, spatulas and solo cups. Please note that the video you are about to view is only 30 seconds of a sequence that went on for 25 minutes. Seriously. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]


Evenings Outside

Andrew and I have been spending a lot of time after school playing outside either at the park or at home. I think it’s finally hit me that it will be cold soon so I’m trying to squeeze in as much outdoor playtime as possible! [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

The Kids, Video

When Roombas Attack

I told Andrew that the Roomba wasn’t a toy countless (!) times but he didn’t listen. So the other day I let him turn it on. You can see he was NOT a fan. Mean or not, he doesn’t accost the Roomba anymore. Baby safe. Lesson learned. #Mommywonthisround

The Kids, Video


3 videos from the last month to share! I’m still testing out the video functionality and it looks like I’ve got some kinks to work out. But I’ll let Andy deal with that when he comes home from his business trip. In the interim, just enlarge the video in the bottom right corner to get a better view![youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube][youtube][/youtube]

The Kids, Video

The Third Parent

Kristi’s and my arms have gotten stronger over the past 2 months, but nothing compares to how important the swing has been in giving both parents a quick breather.   [sublimevideo src1=”″ uid=”d2dab01a” id=”d2dab01a” width=”500″ height=”375″]